Don’t leave your future open to chance!
April 18, 2018
By Mark David
Over the past year, I’ve been asked to help many individuals find their new job/career opportunity. Unfortunately, they have had to make this a reactive vs. proactive activity. Below are a few thoughts I’d like to share with you to support your career.
Many of you are in the age range from 40-55, which are your peak earning years. You might think that a fifteen year span is a long period of time to get your career/finances in order, but it’s merely a blip on the radar screen of your life.
Ages 40-50 are your runway to launch. Put everything you have into achieving your short, medium and long term goals. One of the most important resource you have is your energy. Put your energy behind your words and make your actions truly count. Go into every moment with a burning desire to succeed.
I know how busy you are in your personal lives, it’s amazing how much you’re doing every day to keep your family safe, secure and healthy. Then you go to work and your financial future is in front of you, where the everyday demand is different, yet just as taxing, and the days fly by. Before you know it, it’ll be the middle of next year. Understand that from the age of 50-55 you’re at your career apex. You put in the time and many years of hard work in your 20’s, 30’s and 40’s and now it’s time to capitalize on your thirty-years of experience, which has turned into wisdom.
Challenge yourself to see where you want to be, career wise, at fifty. Know what job/career you want. Think about this every day. Keep asking yourself, “If I want to be a (fill in the blank), what education, job experience, successes, network of people (coaches, mentors, vendors, partners, associations) etc. do I need in order to achieve this career opportunity?”
The bottom line is, don’t leave your future open to chance or expect your company to offer you a career/job of a lifetime. Work on knowing what you want today, for your tomorrow. Don’t accept that you can’t see it, comprehend it or know it right now. Go inside yourself and subconsciously ask “What do I want to be doing when I’m fifty?” Be quiet and let the answers come to you. Once you know what it is, tell yourself, “I want to do this. I am going to do this and I will do it”. I know the answer is there and if you look, you will find it.
I don’t want you to look back and realize you didn’t know what needed to be done, now. Being successful is your heritage of being a human being. We are miracle makers. So collect on your heritage and be that miracle maker that I know you are.
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