Worry vs. Confidence
June 21, 2018
By Mark David
Imagine that you’re looking at a coin…one side is worry and the other side is confidence.
Why is worrying so addictive to us humans? Everyone does it. Worrying is one of the most powerful forms of visualization. This is our reality because you’re using your five sense while worrying. Sight, sound, touch, smell and taste. All of these senses make it come alive in you, therefore, it is real to your mind, body and spirit. It’s now residing at a cellular level.
Your past history says this is how life is. This is all housed in the reptilian brain. Life once more becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Worrying says, “I know it was going to happen…” and guess what? It does.
Flip the coin and use the other side…the side of confidence. What is confidence? It’s having faith in yourself. How do you use it to combat worry? You give yourself options that are just as true historically as your worry historical perceptions are. In other words, visit the past and focus on how your succeeded, achieved, won, overcame and solved problems. Remember, worry puts your back up against the wall. That’s your reptilian brains comfort zone. You have to fight your way out, vs. confidence, your fluid, open, floating, and seeing in all directions. Knowing you will be okay and I promise you, you will be.
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